Our Bible translation friends from Ghana came to town for a week recently, this time reviewing the book of 2 Chronicles. Involving local native speakers, the goal is to present scripture in culturally appropriate vernacular to make the Word of God clearly presented for Anufo readers. Through your faithful giving, Hope Radio will soon be able to share these truths with those who more easily listen in their heart language.

The women of Hope Radio hosted an outreach event for the young women of Mango in honor of International Women’s Day. The event focused on sharing practical advice concerning natural female bodily functions (that is often a taboo subject in the local culture) combined with an emphasis on their worth and purity before God. Several missionary women shared testimony and medical advice, while Hope Radio’s chaplain, P., shared her very powerful personal testimony. Afterwards, feminine supply kits lovingly crafted by women in American churches were handed out to the participants. Most importantly, two young women at the event stayed afterward to talk and pray with us and the local pastor’s wife, desiring to know more about committing their lives to Christ. Ultimately, these two young ladies, V. and V., felt compelled to confess their need for Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, praise God!

We get a lot of wonderful visits at Hope Radio, and one day a faithful listener came to say hi and to ask for prayer over his marriage. We get a lot of callers asking for counsel because of several shows on godly relationships. D. is a Christian, and his wife is an animist. They also belong to two different tribal groups, leading to some quarrels between each other and their families. D. goes to church in the village of Tchanaga but really wanted to meet the people from Hope Radio which he called his “constant companion in Christ”.

J., a believer in a nearby village, called Hope Radio to let us know that there was a man who wanted to know how to become a Christian. A few days later, we were able to lead him and his whole family to the Lord! We were able to visit J. afterward and he continues to listen faithfully to the radio, 24/7! He is mostly blind and on the day we visited, he was reading a bible study in Braille that he had recently received. It was exciting to walk the whole village with him and see his joy of the Lord pour out. Please pray for him to find a job as he’s desperate to provide for his growing family and has no income currently. We witnessed to several people and prayed for every house in his village.