Listener Stories

Listening to Hope Radio helps me not be so discouraged when I am so far away from other Christians. I am thankful for the faithfulness of Hope Radio. ~listener near the border of Burkina Faso

I thought I was alone, the only Christian in my high school. The people at Hope Radio prayed with me, and they are still there to help me live out my faith. ~listener in Mango, Togo

I have been struggling with many difficulties in my life and feel very discouraged. Hope Radio has pointed me to God more fervently, and I know with my Bible and Hope Radio I will be fine! ~listener from Gando, Togo

I was listening to Hope Radio and heard the Through the Bible program play the other day. It gave me peace in my heart knowing that my salvation is secure in Jesus, something I have struggled with for years! ~listener from Tandjouaré, Togo